After reading the Basic Game rules, play one of the following scenarios. Beginning players should try Scenario 1 first, playing it several times to become familiar with ship movement and the various weapons and defenses. After players feel comfortable with the rules, move on to Scenario 2. This battle involves several ships on each side.

Regardless of which scenario is played, players must become familiar with the ships they control and the weapons and defenses of each. Before starting to play, carefully read the ship descriptions in the scenario. Double-check the rules if you have any questions about weapons or defenses. It is important to understand the capabilities and limitations of each vessel under your control.

Ships designated UPFS are United Planetary Federation Ships. Those designated SAV are Sathar Attack Vessels.


A pair of UPF Ships -- the frigate Z'Gata and the assault scout Stiletto -- have been dispatched to guard the small space station Doliin Bay, in orbit around the planet Ken'zah Kit. In the second week of this routine duty, the Doliin Bay's powerful sensors detect a pair of ships entering the system from the Void. As they streak closer, the computer sketches the sleek outlines of a Sathar heavy cruiser and its destroyer escort. The UPF crews, facing a far stronger enemy, realize they must flee, but they cannot leave the Doliin Bay garrison defenseless against the invaders!

Unknown to the UPF defenders, the attacking ships represent only one prong of a huge attack against colonized planets along the edge of the Frontier. The attackers' mission is simple: destroy any UPF starships encountered and wipe out any colonies in the area.

In this scenario, the Sathar player is Player A, and moves first. The UPF player is Player B and moves second.

UPF Ships

1. UPFS Z'Gata (frigate) 40 Hull Points
Weapons: laser cannon, laser battery, 2 torpedos
Defenses: reflective hull, 4 ICMs
ADF: 3 MR: 3

2. UPFS Stiletto (assault scout) 15 Hull Points
Weapons: 4 assault rockets, laser battery
Defenses: reflective hull
ADF: 5 MR: 4

3. UPFB Doliin Bay (space station) 25 Hull points
Weapons: laser battery
Defenses: reflective hull, 6 ICMs
ADF: 0 MR: 0

Sathar Ships

1. SAV Venomous (destroyer) 50 Hull Points
Weapons: laser cannon, laser battery, 2 torpedos
Defenses: reflective hull, 2 masking screens
ADF: 3 MR: 2

2. SAV Perdition (heavy cruiser) 80 Hull Points
Weapons: 2 laser batteries, 4 rocket batteries, 2 torpedos
Defenses: reflective hull, 2 ICMs
ADF: 1 MR: 1

Setting Up. Both UPFshipsaredockedatthestation,which is in orbit around the planet Ken'zah Kit. The planet can be placed anywhere on the map by the UPF player; somewhere near the middle is best.

After the planet, space station and UPF ships are placed on the map, the Sathar ships can be placed in any hex touching one of the short ends of the map. These ships need not be in the same hex, but they must be on the same side of the map. They can start at any speed the Sathar player wants, but both ships must have the same speed.

Evacuating Doliin Bay. The Z'Gata must spend three complete game turns docked at Doliin Bay in order for the station's crew to get aboard. These three turns need not be consecutive; the ship can leave the station after one turn and return later for two more turns to rescue the station crew. After Doliin Bay has been evacuated, the station's weapons cannot be used.

Victory Conditions. If the UPF player evacuates Doliin Bay and flies the Z'Gata off the map, the UPF has won this battle. Any other result is a Sathar victory.


News of the Sathar invasion has reached all the planets of the Frontier. The story always is the same; defeat and retreat. Soon, the major UPF planets will be in danger.

Task Force Cassidine has been dispatched to the planet Kdikit with one goal: Stop the Sathar onslaught. Circling the planet is Fortress Kdikit, a huge and well-defended space station. Along with the ships that have been sent to reinforce it, the UPF hopes Fortress Kdikit will be the bastion that breaks the Sathar assault.

The Sathar player is Player A in this scenario, and the UPF player is Player B.

UPF Ships

1. UPFS Admiral Clinton (battleship) Hull Points 120
Weapons: 4 laser batteries, 10 rocket batteries, 8 torpedos
Defenses: reflective hull, 4 masking screens, 9 ICMs
ADF: 2 MR: 2

2. UPFB Fortress Kdikit (space station) Hull Points 100
Weapons: 3 laser batteries, 12 rocket batteries
Defenses: reflective hull, 2 masking screens, 8 ICMs
ADF: 0 MR: 0

The following two fighters are based at Fortress Kdikit:

a&b. UPFS Fighters Hull Points 8
Weapons: 3 assault rockets each
Defenses: reflective hull
ADF: 5 MR: 5

3. UPFS Allison May (destroyer) Hull Points 50
Weapons: laser cannon, laser battery, 4 rocket batteries
Defenses: reflective hull, 1 masking screen, 2 ICMs
ADF: 3 MR: 2

4. UPFS Driadia (frigate) Hull Points 40
Weapons: laser cannon, laser battery, 2 torpedos
Defenses: reflective hull, 2 ICMs
ADF: 3 MR: 3

5. UPFS Dauntless (assault scout) Hull Points 15
Weapons: 4 assault rockets, laser battery
Defenses: reflective hull
ADF: 5 MR: 4

6. UPFS Razor (assault scout) Hull Points 15
Weapons: 4 assault rockets, laser battery
Defenses: reflective hull
ADF: 5 MR: 4

Sathar Ships

1. SAV Infamous (assault carrier) Hull Points 75
Weapons: 2 laser batteries, 6 rocket batteries
Defenses: reflective hull, 4 ICMs
ADF: 2 MR: 1

The following five fighters are based on the Infamous:

a-e. Sathar Attack Fighters Hull Points 8 each
Weapons: 3 assault rockets each
Defenses: reflective hull
ADF: 5 MR: 5

2. SAV Star Scourge (heavy cruiser) Hull Points 80
Weapons: laser cannon, 2 laser batteries, 4 torpedos, 4 rocket batteries
Defenses: reflective hull, 6 ICMs
ADF: 1 MR: 1

3. SAV Vicious (destroyer) Hull Points 50
Weapons: laser cannon, laser battery, 2 torpedos
Defenses: reflective hull, 2 masking screens
ADF: 3 MR: 2

4. SAV Pestilence (destroyer) Hull Points 50
Weapons: laser cannon, 4 rocket batteries, 2 torpedos
Defenses: reflective hull, 2 masking screens
ADF: 3 MR: 2

5. SAV Doomfist (destroyer) Hull Points 50
Weapons: laser cannon, laser battery, 2 torpedos
Defenses: reflective hull, 2 masking screens
ADF: 3 MR: 2

5. SAV Stinger (frigate) Hull Points 40
Weapons: laser cannon, 4 rocket batteries, 1 torpedo
Defenses: reflective hull, 1 masking screen, 2 ICMs
ADF: 3 MR: 3

Setting Up. The UPF player sets up his ships first. The planet Kdikit should be placed at least 15 hexes from any map edge. Fortress Kdikit (with its fighters docked) is placed in orbit around the planet. The other ships can be placed on the map wherever the UPF player wants them. All of the ships should be given a speed from the previous turn (the turn before the game starts). This can be any speed the UPF player wants, and need not be the same for all UPF ships.

All of the Sathar ships must be placed along one map edge. The Sathar player chooses which side of the map his ships start on. The fighters must be on board the assault carrier when it is placed on the map, but theycan be launched on the first or any following turn. All Sathar ships must be traveling at the same speed at the beginning of the game.

Victory Conditions. The victory conditions for this scenario are very simple. This is the UPF's last desperate chance to stop the Sathar fleet before it reaches major planets, so the UPF will fighttothelastship.Sathar,ofcourse,donotknowthemeaning of retreat. Whichever fleet survives the battle is the victor. The space station is considered part of the UPF fleet. If one playerdestroysallofhisopponent'sshipsbuthasonlyfighters remaining, the game is a draw.