A brief word on how to introduce the new items found in the first volume of Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space into a campaign may be in order. Unless you have dealt with a great influx of new technology into your game in the past we suggest that you gradually and logically bring these items forth. The reasons are quite simple.


When a referee introduces a new weapon, defensive suit, or whatever, into a game, the situation in which it is introdiced then sets the tone for its use. The impression that powerful weapons or items are easily obtainable should neer be given. Conservation of supplies (such as powerclips) is one of the key elements in any good role playing game.

Logical sources are needed for the introduction of new equipment found in this booklet. A good place to start is by looking at the forces controlling the Frontier.

Whatever the source, you will find that items logically obtained by the players are more likely to be logically used.


The costs listed in the Equipment Tables are suggested retail prices for items pruchased in a stall, store, etc. Actual costs are determined by the referee but the variance should be less than 10% of the listed price, unless the item is not purchased in the normal manner.

Some items, because of availability or illegality, cnnot be found in a retail setting. However, they may be found on the black market. Even Star Law has resortedto this outlet when searching for hard-to-find items. The black market deals in items sold privately with no receipt, no return, no questions asked, and usually no taxes paid.

On some planets there are no laws against the balck market. On other planets the price for selling or buying black market goods can include imprisonment and massive fines. Prices for minor items purchased on the black market are no more than 15% higher than normal, but prices for rare or illegal items can be as high as triple the standard price. Star Lawmen who deal with back marketeers on their own planets are often exposing thmselves to blackmail and extortion unless HQ is kept informed.


Many new items in this section are easily activated (like jaw-tension mechanisms) and, if combined, could give a character an unreasonable number of actions in a turn. Referees should keep several factors in mind when dealing with these items.

A turn is only six seconds lone. If a character tries to move, fire a weapon, activate a helmet weapon, and survey all the action around him, something is going to suffer. Remind players that combat, surprise, fear, and so forth confuses players. It is not a simple case of listing all you want to do in six seconds. Use your best judgement in these cases while remembering that a half dozen action per turn is just too much for anybody.


Remember that all weapons and devices that are not fuel-powered use electromagnetic convertible energy stored in selenium containers. As the energy may be used in varying amount, a standard unit of energy evolved, the Standard Energy Unit (SEU). Varying amounts of SEU may be stored in different-sized containers.

In the early years of the Frontier, 1 SEU was the original standard medium of exchange, equal to about 5 Cr. Since everyone needed energy, and the varying forms of energy were relatively convertible, it was a logical currency. While the Frontier has progressed far beyond that basic level of exchange, some undeveloped worlds might still have a few primitive settlements that only deal in SEU currency.


SEU Microdisc: This variable SEU disc is a timy version of the standard powerclip. It is the size of a quarter and is usually used in microcircuited items. The SEU use of items varies greatly and is listed in the items' descriptions.

Minipowerclip: A smaller version of the powerclip, this 10 SEU unit is about the size of a pack of gum. It is normally not used in items that take standard 20 SEU powerclips. The most common usage for the minipowerclip is in rafflur weapons. Like all powerclips, the mini's cannot be recharged.

Power Helmetpacks: Identical to power beltpacks but designed to be attacked to the helmet, power helmetpacks are primarily used for optical devices, communications devices, and weapons attached to the helmet itself.