Blew I's

A spiral
Spins through my hair
Every time I see
The sky
When it's blue,
Like my eyes
And someone tells me
That phrase I've heard so many times

"I love your eyes"

Is that all I am?
Two blue eyes?

I should have known
How love would go
When my dental hygenist
Fell in love with my eyes all those years ago
Before I was human,
And when a person I hated
Wanted my eyes for herself

Every girl I've loved,
And every girl who has loved me
Loved my eyes
They're just my eyes, you know...
I can't help them
I was born with them
I was born with these
Clear cool ovals in my forehead

It's a strange fascination
A human instinct
That all women go crazy
For blue eyes
Like all men go crazy
For red hair
And it's all crazy
What makes one person attractive
And another person ugly.

I guess I'm neithier one...

Copyright 1994 Patrick Glass
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